Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Life's Journey: Tears

As I watched my dear friend and her family say goodbye to her mother, I saw lots and lots of tears!
Tears come in all different sizes...big crocodile tears, fake tears, small tears that take forever to run down a cheek,tears that make your mouth twitch, tears of laughter and tears of sorrow. I also wonder if there are Tears in Heaven...Eric Clapton thinks not but I am not sure!!!
Some people hold back tears as though it's a sign of weakness and others seem to cry over the least little thing. I cry most of the time in private when no one can see me. Not sure if I don't want others to see me or if it's that I am alone with nothing but my own thoughts. Sometimes it has been a night time ritual only to wake up the next morning with swollen eyes and little black mascara "butterfly kisses" all over my pillow. My Sweetie used to think tears were only for the weak or a way to get pity...over the last year he has seen tears in a different light.
I cried this weekend as I moved my daughter to college for her senior year. I cried at my friend's Mother's funeral. I cried as I read The Help. I cried when I had to make a tough decision that affected my family.I cried watching a movie. So I think it's safe to say it was a weekend full of tears!! They were not all sad and I don't regret any of them. Sometimes we just need to have a good cry...just like we all need a weekend of rest.
Will I cry today? Not sure but if I do I am sure it's what I need.
So as we go through life's journey, do not be afraid to shed some tears ... Big Girls (and big boys) Do Cry!!!

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